Friday, July 27, 2012

~My Week!~ 7/21-7/27

Hello again!
Sorry I haven't posted a new chap this week!! Maybe I can get 21 done after I post this!! *Keep fingers crossed*

Regardless, here's some pics about my week!

So, I don't have a shower cap, but I can make one!

Just take a clean plastic bag (one where you know what was in it), put over hair, use a stretchy headband to keep in place, and you're all set!
Yeah, it's ridiculous, but it works! ^^

My mom says I can't use this camera anymore...

But I can use this one! ^^

Came home from church to find a guest on my bed! <3

Yes, that's my chicken boy! He's terrified of the flash.

Me and Megan had a blast trying to get the camera to work while heading to Ray's to edit Obsidian. The sunset was beautiful and filled the whole sky! :)

So while editing with Ray, Karl brings home this, and that's when she got REALLY excited.
Glad to see I'm appreciated

This is Megan's cat, Cosmic Creepers. At least, that's part of his face! :)

Went to World Wide Sisterhood for my church. They had a clothing swap, and I got 2 skirts and a shirt, while Megan got the brown skirt on the left, two cute tops, and...

...and this dress! FOR FREE!! She's never had a nice formal dress, so this was a really nice opportunity for her to get one. (I broke the zipper, but whatevs! It still works, just doesn't have a handle)

Also got some makeup that the two of us needed desperately! And a mouse! No more glitching from my mousepad! ^^

That was my week!

Hope yours was just as fun!


Friday, July 20, 2012

My Week ~ 7/14 - 7/20 ~

Sorry for not posting this morning! Had to head over to my mother's yet again to assit.

But I got pictures!

Here's what I've been up to:

Heading out to church!

The sunset was gorgeous!! First it was gold...

Then it turned pastle pink and purple!

So pretty! It was raining the whole time I took these! Best part about monsoon, I'm telling you :)

I had to move...

...all of this...

...after moving an even bigger one the day before! And we're still not done!

This was dinner last night! My eyes picked out too much for me to eat!

Mighty is just too cute!

Yes, he is pulling himself along by digging his claws into David's bed. Silly boy!

This is a round-about look at my mom's room. Everything, except the tables, has been moved in by me, my mom, my dad, my brother David, and my adopted sister Megan. OMG, my back hurts!

So, tonight, my brother was kind enough to treat me for The Dark Knight Rises! It's AMAZING!!!
On a sober note, my heart and prayers go out to the victims of the shooting in Colorado.

That was my week. A little hectic, but not too bad!!
How was yours?

Friday, July 13, 2012

My Week in Photos!

Hey everyone! It’s Friday!
Currently raining cats and dogs outside, but it's monsoon, so that's expected.
Anywho, here's pics from my week!


Beautiful view on our way back from the mall!

(This is from 7/4, I lost the pic, but decided to put it up on this one)

My view after a dinner with my daddy!

(Sorry, it’s my phone, so it kinda sucks, but it was really pretty. And the ground is bright green)

Megan, Me and Ray, editing!

Eve like’s Karl’s shoulder, when he comes in to give us some food!

Gorgeous sunset! Me and my parents watched it from the back wall

Heading out to pick up Ray so we can edit!

That was my week! Editing, writing, eating good food, seeing gorgeous views, watching cool shows, and having a blast while working!

How was yours?