Monday, December 31, 2018

Top Ten Books of 2018

Hey, guys!

Sorry for not posting on here OR on YouTube. I'm terrible. :( My only excuse is exhaustion, and my meds don't help as much as I thought they would. BUT I did read a LOT. 161 books to be precise! So let's start with some facts.

Goodreads Stats
Pages Read: 35,419
Longest book: Game of Thrones by George RR Martin with 896 pages.
Most Popular Read: Game of Thrones
Average rating was 4.3 out of 5 stars.

Gaphic Novels/ Manga/Comics: 99
Novels/Novellas: 43
Picture Books: 8
Poetry Collections: 3
Rereads: 15
Did Not Finish: 5 (two of them were rereads)

Okay, let's move onto the my top books!


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Thrawn and Thrawn Alliances
by Timothy Zahn

As I've posted everywhere, I love Star Wars, and in particular the animated shows. Especially after the mess of The Last Jedi (UGH) I was like, can I even continue to like Star Wars now? Answer: YES!

In Rebels the greatest villain (other than Vader, of course) is Thrawn, who I have never heard of. Turns out he is the smartest being in all of Star Wars, Legend or Canon, and now, he's CANON! When the first book was announced I was interested, but after the show ended, and then book 2 Alliances was announced, I *HAD* to read it. Finding another Star Wars book fan online, she didn't even know who he was and said he's now her favorite character thanks to the first book!

I totally understand! Of all the villains he is definitely the most interesting, and I can't wait for the next book with him, especially since it's probably going to take place after Rebels' finale.


Image result for goodnight stories for rebel girls  Image result for goodnight stories for rebel girls

Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls 1 and 2
by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo

When I heard about this book I was stunned. A book all about female empowerment, down for little girls, specifically in small sections so as to be read to a small child? WHAT? I HAVE TO READ THIS!!! And I did, and I loved it! While there are some women who straight up shouldn't have been including because they are/were straight up bad people, most of them are amazing, and is something I want whenever/if I ever have little girls.


Wonder Woman: Warbringer
by Leigh Bardugo

This is the first book in the DC Icons quartet, and BOY did it start off strong! It came out shortly after the movie did, but I put off reading it until this year to try to seperate them in my head, a problem I had when I tried when it first came out. But does it compare to the movie? YES! Is it AMAZING? YES! I love this book and if you liked the movie you will like this one too.



Aru Shah and the End of Time
by Roshani Chokshi

This book is the first of Rick Riordan's Presents, an imprint that features other authors of color with stories revolving around their people's mythos. It sprang from people loving his books and wanting him to write using other mythos. As a straight, white man he didn't think that was a good idea. Instead he reached out to other authors and asked them to write books about their mythology, and he would use his name to promote their books in his imprint.

It's a brilliant idea, and book one in this imprint started out strong! It's fun, whitty, and feels like a part of Rick Riordan's world, which is awesome. I'm adding all of Roshani Chokshi's books onto my TBR and I can't wait to pick up the next books in this series and imprint!


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An Ember in the Ashes and A Torch Against the Night
by Sabaa Tahir

This is a series I've had on my radar for years. It blew up very quickly when it had the old covers (which are alright, but these are BEAUTIFUL!!!) and I always was intrigued. Then I won ATATN from Goodreads, and I had just purchased AEITA last Black Friday so I was like, what the heck? I started reading, and then moved right into ATATN, but I've been so scared to pick up A Reaper at the Gates that I haven't read more than a few pages.

These books are brilliant, and dark, and sad, and heart wrenching, and empowering, and so so SO good! I'm forever a Sabaa Tahir fan and once book 4 comes out I will be finishing ARATG once I can read it back to back with the last book!


Children of Blood and Bone
by Tomi Adeyemi

This book. This book has so much hype around it pretty much everyone was worried it wouldn't live up to it, including me. There was a special edition created. And it's Adeyemi's first book. How could it live up to it?

It didn't.

This book is amazing! It was chosen as The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon's summer read, and even he struggled to explain. It's magical and wonderful. It takes tropes and throws them out the window, and then places this awesome story and brilliant badass characters and puts them in a fantastical world based on West Africa. It's got beautiful dark women with powers, a princess who refuses to bleach her skin, and plot twists your don't quite see coming. And if that wasn't enough, it's got elements from one of the greatest stories I've ever seen, Avatar the Last Airbender.

Tomi Adeyemi made something so special and wonderful, powerful, brilliant, it's no wonder it won Goodreads Choice Award for Debut Author, and was on TV. YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!!! PLEASE!!!



the witch doesn't burn in this one
by Amanda Lovelace

This is the sequel to the princess saves herself in this one, and book two of the Women Are Some Kind Of Magic series. But while princess was personal to Manda herself, this one is about how it feels to be a woman tired of sexism and the terrible actions of the patriarchy. It's intense in a way princess wasn't, and I love it for that.

This one isn't for the faint of heart. But if you're tired of the bulls***, and tired of being tired, and just plain mad, READ THIS. The witches don't burn in this one at all, and every woman with half a brain is a witch to the patriarchy.



ElfQuest: The Final Quest
by Wendy and Richard Pini

I tried to move this title lower on my list, and couldn't. This is my favorite American comic, tying with Fullmetal Alchemist and ACOMAF as one of the greatest things I've ever read, and it's finale is AMAZING. This issue I'm showing above is the only book to make me cry all year long, and it was beautiful. Even witch didn't do that, because it was satisfying to see my rage on the page. But this isn't about rage. Especially in Final Quest.

ElfQuest is about family, and the main family we focus on is Cutter's. Cutter is the chief of the Wolfriders, and by the time we get to Final Quest he's been through a lot. No longer a chief who makes spur of the moment decisions, he's lost too much over the years to be anything but wise. He's childhood was at first peaceful, and then turned to war with a human (more like Cro-Magnon) tribe that had devastating effects on his people. He united all the tribes of Elves across his world of Two-Moons, learned he's an alien, befriended humans, went to war against trolls and humans again, and then adopted a human daughter. And watched as his children, wife, and brother were taken through time to 10,000 years in the future, leaving him alone in a foreign, hostile world.

In Final Quest the threats have only seemed to compound into a monster that is threatening to tear his people apart, even as they have to decide to return to their homeworld or stay on the only world they've ever known? And where does Cutter and his children fit, especially since his son and human daughter are expecting children?

The ending is bittersweet, and as Cutter himself says, "Perfect!" It's brilliant and honestly the best way to end a 40 year journey. If you haven't started this, you need to. It's easy. Go to and click on "Read Online", and read from the top to the bottom.



The Worldwalker Trilogy
Trial by Fire, Firewalker, Witch's Pyre
By Josephine Angelini

This trilogy barely missed being number one, but that's because number one is a single book which automatically makes it stronger than the series.

This is a series I've seen so little of online. Usually it's only in unhauls, where people bought it for the same reason I bought it: cheap and pretty on book outlet. WHY HAVEN'T MORE PEOPLE TRIED TO READ IT!?!?

The main character Lily Proctor has crippling allergies, the kind that put her in the hospital repeatedly. She doesn't know how much longer she'll live, but decides to go to a party with her best friend now boyfriend and is betrayed. So when a voice in her head (her own voice) says, "Wanna leave?" She likes, "Yeah, I'm done."

And is suddenly exactly where she was behind her house, and then turns around and finds out she's in a parallel dimension where this universe's Lillian is the High Witch, ruler of the 13 cities, waging war on science, killing lots of people. She's summoned Lily because she's dying, and she needs her to continue her mission. But is Lillian evil?

This series is just like Percy Jackson, where a disability is the mark of power. Her problems don't go away, she just learns how to harness her abilities to keep her problems down or as close to gone. Even so if, say, she runs out of salt she could die just like if she breathed in mold she could die.

That alone makes is amazing, but add in a gorgeous male lead who is Native American (YES!) and several more supporting characters of various Native tribes, and the fact that the main character wins by using her mind and science, and you have a winner. The only thing I wish was changed was Lily's white, leading to the whole white savior trope, which needs to die. That also kept it from being number 1.



By Cindy Pon

Want became my number one the second I finished it, and nothing toppled it. This book BLEW MY MIND. I'm not the biggest fan of science fiction, and I was never really into the whole dystopian trend, but I probably would have been if I had read this before Hunger Games!

Want follows Jason Zhou, in a world--omg did anyone else hear that in the old movie trailer voice??? ANYWHO!--where the pollution is SO bad that the mega rich wear suits that protect them from pollution, and have pure air pumped in their cars and homes. After a person close to him is murdered for fighting to end the pollution and save the rest of the world from the diseases and side effects of such terrible air, he and his friends decide to take down the suit manufacturer who is probably behind everything.

It paints a terrible future that we're heading for, especially since Dumpf and his fucking morons have pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement so he can make more money, and it doesn't pull the punches. It's also set in Taiwan, where Pon is from, making it an Own Voices novel. It's wonderful, and brilliant, and I straight up love it.

Y'all need to pick this one up. Seriously, it'll make you wanna do want you can to save the environment. (Even though it's businesses that are the main cause, something that's shown in this novel)

Yay! That was my list!

Now for the best and worst of!

Best OTP (Romance): TIE- Yona + Hak; Feyre + Rhysand
Best New Manga Series: Carciphona by Silin Huang
Best Book to Movie Adaptation: To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han
Biggest Disappointment: Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence (main character is a rapist)

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Top Books of 2017 (and 2016 and 2015)

Yes, yes, I know. It's May, and I haven't posted this for LAST YEAR yet. 


Okay, okay, I'm terrible, what can I say? I can't post this at work, which is really annoying, so I have to find time on a day off. So I'm going to pretend that my books didn't fall off the top of my bookcase and didn't break my cat statue at the same time, and instead I'm gonna type this up.


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by Various

For those of you who don't follow me on Goodreads or Twitter, I bitched a lot about how New 52 started strong, created a bogus timeline, and then copied Modern before dying and becoming Rebirth. It's the same damn timeline, but the stories themselves are just better, in my opinion.

This is the exception. While the plot point that triggers this is copied and falls flat, THIS DID NOT. Basically there's no Batman, and rather than have the Robins fight to take up the cowl (like Modern brilliantly did), instead the youth of Gotham say EFF THIS and take up the mantle of Robin (who is MIA anyway and has been for a few weeks). This is their story and how we get our newest member (and second or third black member) of the Bat Family, Gold Bat.

This story is told throughout the Bat Family different comics as well as a two part solo story of We Are Robin, so I'd check out the bind up. And remember, since graphic novels can be pricey I would see if your local library has it. :)


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by Jason Fry

This is actually a quartet of books, of which Edge of the Galaxy is the first one, all by Jason Fry. It takes place in Star Wars Rebels, the TV show that wrapped up on March 5th, and ties the original movie trilogy with the new one. While I'm not a huge fan of the new movies--okay, I'm not a fan of Last of the Jedi, Force Awakens was awesome--I adore the shows. In fact the very best of Star Wars is the two shows, Clone Wars and Rebels. If you haven't checked them out, you should.

But even if you don't want to and want a little info about this series, it follows a young black boy named Zare Leonis, who's sister was force sensitive, and disappeared from the Imperial Academy. He has gone into the academy solely to find her, and ends up helping our rebels. The show doesn't show much except him telling Ezra, Rebels main character (MC), that he's going to be transferred off world and hopes to find his sister soon.

These books show from when his sister is accepted into the Academy, all the way through to what happened after he transferred, and I'll only add this: we find out where the First Order came from. I really enjoyed it. They are middle grade/intermediate reader so I could have read all 4 books in one afternoon, but I loved the story they were telling and wasn't able to guess much beyond the ending.


by Wendy and Richard Pini

Hello, my name is Lorien, and I'm addicted to ElfQuest by Wendy and Richard Pini.

It's the longest running independent comic in the US, and it wrapped up (for now) on February 28, 40 years to the day. I was heartbroken and cried so much, and even have a review of the last issue, as well as a Why You Should Read ElfQuest video.

But before that happened I read this. Basically this is a huge book explaining behind the scenes of ElfQuest, where the story came from, and little stories of what was happening during certain comics. It's beautiful and I loved it so much, especially all the commentary on the sides from Elf Mom and Elf Pop, as they're called by us fans. If you like ElfQuest, you need to pick this up.


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by Marissa Meyer

This is the manga continuation of the amazing Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. While we had a full cast that was added onto with each book, this manga focuses mostly on two characters, Iko and Kinney, two side characters who don't get along, but now have to figure out how, because some of the soldiers from Levana's war refuse to come home.

It's cute and fun and I enjoyed every second of it, though it killed me to wait a year to get the sequel, which I read this year. :)


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by Sarah Andersen

Technically Adulthood is a Myth is a reread, but again, didn't bother to post last two years worth of top books cuz lazy ass, so it counts.

Let me tell you: these books were a blessing when I was super depressed. I would pull them out and just read and laugh and it was a great thing for me every time. I own both and can't wait to get my hands on Herding Cats, which came out on my birthday! I should've asked for it... But I got art supplies instead. :)


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by E.K. Johnston

Yet another book set from the Star Wars TV Shows, Ahsoka is Anakin's padawin apprentice, and one of the big reasons he turns to the darkside. In the show it's very clear that Anakin can hold better to the light with Ahsoka around, because he was her master and role model, so he was doing his best to be on his best behavior. He slowly slid into the darkside, but once she left his life he went into freefall.

But this isn't so much about that, but more about how she survived Order 66, and her path in the darkness after the Clone Wars season 5 finale. And boy oh boy, it's amazing story. My favorite Star Wars book by FAR, and honestly my favorite Star Wars character, followed closely by Kanan Jarrus from Rebels.


Image result for ACOMAF Image result for ACOWAR cover

by Sarah J Maas

Yes, I know there are problems in this book series, and yes, I know these aren't the best, but dammit, these are two of my favorite books EVER. Especially ACOMAF. Damn, that book is GOOD.

These are the sequels to A Court of Thorns and Roses, so I'm not going to say much. I enjoyed them immensely, and apparently I'm one of the few who really, really like ACOWAR. Even my bestie Ray/LA Knight thought it wasn't very good. Sure, it could have been better, but damn, I loved it. Rhysand is my new love. I want a Rhysand SO SO MUCH!!!!! *sigh*


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by Ta-Nehisi Coates and Various

This is a six part comic series from Marvel that was doomed to fail. Marvel refused to advertise it and right after the first or second issue was released cancelled it. So we only get a taste of the majesty that could have been, but what does exist is AMAZING. It takes place in a small neighborhood that is being torn apart by police brutality and big business coming in to destroy the homes and boot everyone out. But T'Challa and several other Marvel heroes love this neighborhood and are going to defend it.

Marvel really fucked up with this one. It had the chance to create a group of black superheroes who would be as well known as the Avengers and refused to give it a chance. They also have been making very racist choices lately, so I've been iffy about continuing to read past these six little comics, but I know that there's so much more out there. This is an Own Voices series, and if you haven't looked into it, head to your local comic shop and pick them all up. It was wonderful to read and I will be seeing what happens next, when I can figure out where the hell it's told.

If it's told.

Stupid Marvel.


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by Amanda Lovelace

This is another one that sorta is a reread, but not really. See I read this when the original edition was self-published by the amazing Lady Book Mad on Tumblr back in 2016. In fact my edition has a signed bookplate that I got when she was sending them out for free right after it came out.

But then it was picked up by Target and Barnes & Noble, and that was a different edition with more poems, and I finally got around to rereading it right before the year ended. I absolutely love this. It will make you cry tears of rage, pain, sorrow, and joy, and in the end it empowers you. I personally have written quite a few poems in response to this, and it's sequel, the witch doesn't burn in this one.

It isn't for everybody. I mean it's poetry, and it's free style poetry on top of that, and that's not for everyone. But if you want something raw, moving, and powerful you should pick this up. And then the next one. And then sit on your hands dying for the third one which isn't out yet.


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by Marissa Meyer

This one easily went to the top of my list. Renegades is the first book of a duology about a world where some of the population has powers. For eons they have been enslaved and mistreated, used for their powers, until a man named Ace decided to take out the government(s) and created the Age of Anarchy, where there was no law. Then the Renegades came up, killed him, and became the number one force in the world, and rulers of their country.

Enter Nova, the niece of Ace, who sees the flaws with a small group of fighters now running the most powerful organization in the world, and is determined to right the wrongs they keep doing, whether or not they even realize their fucking shit up cuz they fucking idiots. Seriously, I have her back 100%.

But also enter Adrian, the son of the two leaders of the Renegades. He also knows of the flaws and wants to right them, but I doubt he can get it done.

This book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time, and I had no, and still have no clue what gonna happen next. It gets a bit slow towards the end, but then, OH HO HO, THEN WE HAVE THE FINAL SCENE. It makes the book and easily overshot every other novel I read all year long. It was so amazing, and now I have to wait to see what happens next in book 2, Arch Enemies.

So that's my list! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope I can get this years list up in time. I haven't a clue. I mean I haven't done it for the past two years so... Who knows!!!

Before I forget, here are my book stats for the year:

Books Read: 127
New: 106
Rereads: 16
DNF'd: 5

Best Reread: Six of Crows
Biggest Disappointment: The Enchanter Heir
Best New Series: Wires and Nerve
Surprisingly Good: Seraph of the End
Suprisingly Bad: Wolf Children

As for those past two years, I'm gonna post their lists right now, so if you're curious to see what books I have loved previously, check below!!!

Top Books of 2016

1. Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo
2. the princess saves herself in this one by Amanda Lovelace
3. Yona of the Dawn volumes 1-21 by Mizuho Kusanagi
4. The Others Series by Anne Bishop
5. Batman Eternal Volume 3 by Scott Snyder
6. Darth Vader Series by Kieron Gillen and Others
7. Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J Maas
8. A Bride's Story volumes 1-8 by Kaoru Mori
9. The Wrath and the Dawn Duology by Renee Ahdieh
10. The Only Pirate at the Party by Lindsey Stirling
11. Kanan The Last Padawan Duology by Greg Weisman
12. Redwall & Mattemeo by Brain Jacques
13. Loki Agent of Asgard Trilogy by Al Ewing

Books Read: 180
New: 142
Rereads: 37

Best Reread: Arata The Legend by Yuu Watase, The Host by Stephanie Meyer
Biggest Disappointment: Ezra's Gamble by Ryder Windham
Best New Series (GN): Yona of the Dawn by Mizuho Kusanagi
Best New Series (Book): The Others by Anne Bishop
Best Non-Novel: The Princess Saves Herself in This One by Amanda Lovelace

Top Books of 2015

1. Winter by Marissa Meyer
2. The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
3. A Little Princess by Francis Hodgson Burnett
4. Ms Marvel by G Willow Wilson
5. ElfQuest: Final Quest Vol 1 by WARP
6. ElfQuest: In All But Blood by WARP
7. Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery
8. Dengeki Daisy by Kyousuke Motomi
9. Injustice Gods Among Us vols 1-5
10. Tsubasa World Chronicle by CLAMP
11. Magnus Chase & the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan
12. Battle Magic by Tamora Pierce
13. Thor: Goddess of Thunder by Jason Aaron
14. Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor
15. Red Hood & The Outlaws: Death of the Family
16. Hikaru no Go by Yumi Hotta and Takeshi Obata
17. A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller

Books Read: 128
Rereads: 2
New:  126

Best Reread: The Herioc Legend of Arslan by Hiromu Arakawa
Biggest Disappointment: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Best New Series: Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson
Surprisingly Good: Batman Eternal by Scott Snyder
Surprisingly Bad: Wonder Woman: Blood by Brian Azzarello, Cliff Chiang, and Tony Akins

Sunday, February 25, 2018

You're Enough, I Wasn't Me, and Blood is Thicker than Water

I literally forgot I didn't post the last two of my 12 poems I wrote at work randomly. Whoops!

The first poem is impower, but TRIGGER WARNING for the next two.

I Wasn't Me is triggering for PTSD flashbacks, and bullying.

Blood is Thicker than Water is triggering for child abuse.

You're Enough

The world says if a woman likes pink
And lollipops
She's childish

If she likes makeup
High heels
And jewelry
She's shallow

If she likes books
Video games
And comics
She's fake

If she wears too little clothes
She's asking for it
If she wears too much clothes
She's a prude

If she's fat
She's a slob
If she's skinny
She's a surfboard

If you listen to them
And all those lies
You can't win
So listen to this:

You're beautiful
You're a goddess
You're a fairy
You're a mermaid

You're a warrior
You're a fighter
You're amazing
You're a queen

You're enough

I Wasn't Me

I spent a day at the mall with my best friend
Buying clothes that made us feel beautiful
And walking to the car
We passed him.
The boy who shattered my mind.

When I walked passed him I wasn't me.
A working girl who spent her hard earned cash to look good
With someone who mattered to her
And never treated her like trash

I was that little girl
Being broken for the first time
Beneath a male's fists and words
Until she died

I was an older girl now
Still too young for his vulger words
Ready to reply with violence
You want to kill me I'll kill you first

Then I was 18
When two boys pulled the same thing as him
And that piece I tricked myself into believing had healed
Fractured and broke apart again

And then we passed him by and went for food
I had just finished eating
When he walked in

Suddenly I was a little girl all over again
Nowhere was safe

And then I went home
And I didn't recognize my reflection

I was a woman
A working girl who spent her hard earned cash to look good
With someone who mattered to her
And never treated her like trash

And I was broken all over again

Blood is Thicker than Water

Blood is thicker than water
It means be true to your family
A nice sentiment

But for the girl whose brothers broke her
Whose sisters laughed
And parents who carved the lesson of pain into her body

For the girl who was pregnant
And told by her own mother
"I hope you lose the baby"

For the boy with a father that
Used his fists and hands to silence him
So that he didn't speak to anyone for over a year

For the girl whose mother
Called her to break her over and over
Just because she could

"Blood is thicker than water"
Is a shackle and chain
Tying them to violence and pain undeserved

Blood may be thicker than water
But love will always matter more than blood

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Some Girls, Dragons, and For Carrie

Yeah, it's been a bit, but I was debating over one of my poems I wrote, and just decided against posting it. It's a personal one that may hurt some people's feelings, and honestly is literally titled "For Ravyn", so for right now she's the only one who gets to see that one.

But here are two more that are little more upbeat. Not as heavy as a few of the other poems I just read to decide what would come next.

First is my declaration that I can be anything I imagine and more. (And so can you)

Second is saying I refuse to live in just this reality.

Third is simply For Carrie.

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Some Girls

Some girls are born with wings
And some with tails and gills
Some are born with crowns and tiaras
And some are born with stars

I was born with music in my head
And words and poems in my veins

I may not be a goddess, or a fairy, or a mermaid, or a princess
But once I was taught 10 words
I found a book and read

Then I read and read and read and read
And then wrote and wrote and wrote
And wrote myself to be all of them and more


They say
Keep your head out of the clouds
Keep your mind on the ground
Keep your focus in the here and now

They say
Don't look back
The past is the past
Mind over matter

They say
Fantasy is useless
Fiction is pointless
It's better to be real

Well I say
Stories kept me alive
When the world tore me apart

Fantasy is better than a reality
Where there is no justice or mercy

And fiction matters more
Than the world where the innocent
Lose and lose and lose and lose

I say
The fake worlds are better
And kept the fire inside alive
And taught me hope

I don't care what they say
Fiction and fantasy and stories
The made up and unreal
Will always triumph

After all
“Fairy tales are more than true:
Not because they tell us that dragons exist,
But because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
- Neil Gaiman

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For Carrie

When I was a little girl
I watched a princess who wasn't always nice

She didn't always smile
And called people names
When men came to save her
She grabbed a gun and mowed the enemy down

She kicked asses, took names
And fell in love with a scoundrel
Without shame or fear
And saved the day as any man ever could

When I learned of the women
Who played this princess
I learned that she was almost same
She kicked asses, took names

And yet her mind split into two
She struggled almost her whole life
Just to find a way to live

When I learned she collapsed on a plane
I cried and I prayed
That she would be okay

And instead
God took her away from the world
And so she wouldn't be alone
He took her mother right after

I will strive to live my life
With a broken mind
Kicking asses, and taking names

So that the Star Princess
Will smile down on me
And say, "There you go.
"Show those bastards how it's done."

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Peace and Drop of Sunlight (Poems)

Here are some more poetry I wrote at work last Saturday.

These two are more personal, and not funny. Like I said with Poetry, I took all the feelings in my heart and poured them into 10 poems and wanted to cry. These are so real and mean a lot to me. I hope you like them.


Once upon a time
There was a girl
Who wanted to be a princess

Her parents told her 
"Be whatever you want to be"
If you have the will
You can do it

Then the girl went to school
And some boys
And some girls
But mostly boys
Ripped her mind apart

By 11 she didn't believe she would live
By 13 she didn't want to live
By 18 her body was ripping itself apart like her mind

But then the girl was a woman
A broken woman who refused to give up

And because she didn't give up she found peace

landscape tree nature forest branch creative light plant sun fog mist photography sunlight morning leaf land photo toolkit color autumn scenery darkness season trees free elements use fantastic cc colours photoshop remix non commons commercial 14 wide angle lightroom rays wow 5 adobe nice 11 image scape 4 woodland 12 habitat 6 13 lenny k edit actions noncommercial distribute lennykphotography through rural area natural environment atmospheric phenomenon woody plant

Drop of Sunlight

Why is it so bad
When your mind is trapped in black clouds
And each day is like walking through a dark, misty forest
That you need to take a drop of sunlight?

Why are we told it's wrong?
Looked down on for taking it?

When you take it the mist fades
The gray sky clears
The sun rises for the first time in years
And the suddenly there's a path forward

You can breathe
You can move
You can sing
You can dance

And most of all
You can smile

I'll keep taking my drop of sunlight
And ignore the nay-sayers
Because that drop of sunlight
Is the best thing to happen to me

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Poetry and We're Screwed



I'm alive.

And I'm sorry for not posting. I'll have a video up at the end of the month explaining what happened and being 100% honest with myself and the world about the why, so you'll have to check my YouTube Channel to learn all of that, cuz it's 1 AM and I'm not gonna post about it just yet.

One thing that has really suffered in my writing. I haven't posted any writing on here for one reason: I haven't written a word in over a year that wasn't something silly or me defending my friends. No stories, no poems, no fanfiction. Nothing. And if that isn't sending up a red flag, it should. The moment I noticed I panicked a bit and knew something had to change.

And it has. NOW I'm back, and the need to write has been driving me crazy for the past 2 weeks or so.

So I tried to edit Warrior.
Then I tried to edit a new chapter in W.i.t.c.h. - The Full Story.

At work today (or, technically, yesterday) I wrote 12 poems. TWELVE. I've never written that many in a YEAR, or even FIVE YEARS least of all ONE SHIFT AT WORK!!!

Here are actually the last two I wrote. The first explains how today went, while the second just sums up America right this second in my mind. It's something that was expressed this time last year and has only become more real as time went on.


Poetry is like picking at scabs
It may feel good at first
A release of an inch
But in the end you still bleed

The difference is you write all your words out
And then you want to cry
But you’re at work
And the big dude sitting behind you would stare

Image result for dude staring

(His reaction in my brain)

We're Screwed

You know the world is screwed
When you look at the last mess of a leader
And look at the current one and say
"There's very little I wouldn't give to put Bush in office instead."

At least he's a good idiot, and not an evil one.