Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What I've Been Up To Lately

Hey ya'll!

Sorry for not doing this sooner! After my vacation--during which I worked every single day, and took over 500 pics--I kinda did nothing...

Anyway, I haven't been totally gone, since I've got a new 24 waiting for some LA Knight edits, as well as some new pics!

Here's what I've done lately!

I went to the theaters twice! Saw The Avengers, and then The Dark Knight Rises again with my girls!

I also saw Lindsey Stirling in concert! Didn't bring a camera - it was standing room only, and the concert was almost 3 hours. Didn't want extra weight if I could help it (and I just plumb forgot)

Waiting at the Docs office! Found out I'm at risk for heart attack and stroke solely due to genetics, but I'm on meds! Glad we caught it BEFORE the fact

This is our new cat, Angel. I'm not holding her. She just wants to smother me with her love!

Strider was sprawled on my floor, looking absolutely adorable! Had to snap a pic!

That's what I've been doing! What about ya'll?

Oh, and with a party, and my girls coming over, AND my brother's birthday, I'm gonna have another blog up, probably Saturday!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Trip Pics!

Hey, ya'll!

Okay, I have no idea why I always say ya'll. I mean, I'm from Southern Arizona, but barely anyone has an accent, except for the ranchers...


I recently got back from a family vacation! That's why my photo post was early, and this will cover this week, since nothing's happening until Saturday, after I'm supposed to post anyway. We traveled first to Las Vegas, then to Salt Lake City! We got lost on The Strip, visited the mountains for the Free National Park Weekend, saw Temple Square, fought and had a blast! So here's some pics (not all, I took over 500)
All of my bags! What can I say, "travel light" is a foreign language to me! :)
The Hoover Dam. It was so big, that one photo could barely fit everything. My mom got dizzy looking over the edge. Hard to believe that they did that without any safety! ><
My cousin Jens and his new wife Aprille! He's in traditional men's formal dress for Singapore, where Aprille's family's from. Congrat's you too!
The M&M's Store was AWESOME! After an hour of walking through drunken crowds and tourists, we can here. I absolutely loved it and got a bag of peanut M&M's which we snacked on for the rest of the trip!
We headed to Utah! We stopped in Cedar City, which was founded by my ancestor Henry Lunt! That's me, my mom and my Brother in front of his lifesize statue!
Then we drove the Alpin Loop and I saw REAL fall for the first time! That was awesome and will totally help my writing!
We came back through Park City, where I got this super cute Owl statue for so cheep! I loved that little store!
The day after that, we went to see the Conference Center, where Conference will be held this weekend...
...and Temple Square, where I saw the Salt Lake Temple!
Then we headed home, back to the desert!
I miss fall, since we came for 70 and 80 degree heat to 100! But I loved it!
What have you been up to?