Thursday, August 21, 2014

W.i.t.c.h. The Full Story: Part II Chapter 5 - Kaleb

I know, I know. I haven't written a post on here in forever, and I haven't posted writing in months! I've been cranking out the videos, and focusing on that, but never fear, I've been planning and plotting my writing, but after a page of writing my hand cramps up. That's not enough to post, and it takes a while for it to recover. I'm currently in my brace right now.

Anywho, during #AYearAThon this month I read W.i.t.c.h. 10 A Bridge Between Worlds, and I've been dying to write more on this ever since! So it's FINALLY out! I may just do a second chapter right after this one, if my right hand holds.

It's short, but here it is!

Chapter 5

He was thirteen. Young, arrogant, and self-assured, Kaleb was positive he was ready to join the rebellion. Not that Aldurin would listen.
“But my father was the leader!” Kaleb yelled at the now thirty-seven-year-old Quelthar.
“That’s why I don’t want you to join,” Aldurin replied. “They targeted himbecause he was the leader, and now you’re living with me.”
Kaleb turned away, furious. Aldarn had heard his two sons were training in private to take the trials to join the black, double life of a traitor. So the old smith had browbeaten his blood son first, and now it was Kaleb’s turn. The tall young man refused to be demeaned into obedience without a fight.
“Yes, I’m living with you now, but you can barely afford me!” Kaleb ruthlessly pointed out. When Aldurin’s right eyebrow twitched slightly, he knew that he’d touched a nerve. He plowed on. “You took me in, and taught me that I have to work to eat, and I know that’s a truth. I have lived that truth here in the forge, and in the fields. But I want to do more!” Kaleb lowered his voice, and tried to plead for understanding. “Father,” he begged, “I want to help those who were wronged, like I was. I want to protect people from my fate, and the fate of everyone here. Please. Grant me an audience for a trial.”
Aldurin was not an old man, but he looked it. Years of suffering and pain, of oppression and sorrow, had aged him. Thirty-seven years was a long time to watch the innocent suffer, and the artisan wore the burden as a cloak that would never be removed. Looking back Kaleb knew that his refusal was an attempt to spare the last of Lei’s family, but at the time, it only annoyed him. He could not fathom the strength of faith in him that Aldurin had to summon before the ironsmith shut his eyes and grunted, “Fine, but any slacking off before then, and you don’t get one, and you don’t eat.”
Excitement flooded the young man, and he began to jump up and down, chanting, “Thank you, I won’t let you down! I

Pain cut the memory off short. His right arm felt as if it had been ripped open and boiling oil had been poured inside. Jerking awake with a cry, Kaleb curled up around the broken limb. It took him a few seconds to realize something smelled terrible, and that something was chattering away to him.
“So sorry, honorable master Human sir! Blunk did not mean to hurt Human rebel’s arm, sir! Blunk only wanted
Kaleb had had enough. He’d been reliving a wonderful memory. In fact, it was perhaps the happiest time in his life, save when his family had been alive. But he could barely remember back to that time. His life in Aimbrish was all he had to reflect on, and being there again had been a blessing as he slowly starved to death in this tiny hole with the stupid little Passling.
Enraged he punched the small, stinky creature, and then curled up to sleep.
“No, no, Human sir!” Poor Blunk was breathless, but still managed to stumble to his feet. Although in pain, exhausted, sick, and starving, Kaleb felt a little bad for striking the runty, green being.
“What do you want, Passling?” He groaned, his eyes closed. “Did you find food?”
“No sir, something better!”
“Like what?” He asked.
“Well Blunk did not find it, Human rebel sir, but it’s there!”
What is?”
“A portal, sir! A portal to a different world just opened up! And it’s right above us, in the chamber where the opening is!”

That got Kaleb up.

1 comment:

  1. Here we go with WITCH, which I have not read in forevers so yay! WITCH! Oh, my twitchy-witchy girl, you are so nice…

    “They targeted himbecause he was the leader, and now you’re living with me.”
    Missing a space between “him” and “because.”

    Oh, boy. Kaleb and Aldarn are butting heads. Eeek…

    “The tall young man refused to be demeaned into obedience without a fight.”
    I don’t think “demeaned” is the right word. You used “browbeaten” already, but Aldarn wouldn’t demean Kaleb. That makes it sound like he’s verbally abusing him.

    In a world where you’re a man at like, 15, I can understand why a 13-year-old in Kaleb’s situation would chafe at being forced to stay out of the fighting. 

    “Aldurin was not an old man, but he looked it. Years of suffering and pain, of oppression and sorrow, had aged him. Thirty-seven years was a long time to watch the innocent suffer, and the artisan wore the burden as a cloak that would never be removed.”
    I love this. The whole thing. You. You awesome. Here’s a medal. :D

    “Excitement flooded the young man, and he began to jump up and down, chanting, “Thank you, I won’t let you down! I—”
    I wouldn’t have him jump up and down. I could see a 13-year-old girl doing that, maybe, but not a boy. Especially after everything Kaleb’s been through. He might do a fist-pump or the medieval WITCH equivalent (whatever that is), but no bouncing.

    Just noticed - you switch Aldarn’s name to Aldurin sometimes…

    “His right arm felt as if it had been ripped open and boiling oil had been poured inside.”
    *sobs* He’s only a boy!
    Okay, not really but still.
    And also, OW!

    Omg of course you end it with Blunk saying there’s a portal open. Evil, evil, evil carpal tunnel strangling the life out of your hands and rendering me a lifeless husk of desperate wanting…


