Friday, August 29, 2014

My Month(s) in Pics ~July 7th to August 29th~

Yup, it's been more than a MONTH!

"WHY!?!" You may be screaming at me from the other side of the computer/tablet/smartphone screen.

1) I'm a tad lazy
2) I got a temp job
3) BookTube has taken over my life.
4) I'm lazy
5) These bug the crap outta my carpal tunnel.

But mostly I'm lazy and haven't been taking pictures. Now I've got a good group of them, despite the lack of me having a camera on me, or my phone being dead, or not having the SD card in it (I ruined LA Knight's card, so I'm using my cell's card...yeah, I'm that skilled). So here they are!!!

It's been so long it took me a bit to figure out what this was, lol!
I took a quiz where they guess who I am. They think I'm Black. Mostly right, but nope! Pasty white girl here!

This is why my back hurts when I've been reading too much, because I look like that in my computer chair. :)

The 6th was REALLY cool, because I saw Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods in theaters with my brother and some of his and mine friends! There were only 4 showings in Tucson, and it was the last one that we went to. The audience was mostly male, and practically no one was under 20, save a few kids or baby brothers there. It was really well done, and I loved it, especially as the whole audience were rabid fans. So fun!

This really did happen, and yes, that's what I want, in a way. :D

LOL! I thought this was hilarious and I had to share it! Those people are why I don't naturally respect my "elders".

Got a bunch of recent followers on Twitter, Tumblr, and subscribers on YouTube! Thank you ALL, it means so much that you care about the stuff I like or post! <3

A screenshot of me midword during the video I posted on Monday!
Click HERE to check it out! :)

I know I've posted about this before, but this hasn't been repinned in the past month, so I thought I'd just share the last time someone did. 2998 people have thought this so cool they added it to their boards! WOW! Really cool!

See, not a lot of pictures, and almost all of them are from the computer.

I haven't posted my past videos on here mostly from my hands. I did post a chapter in my fanfic on here, in case you missed it. Make sure to follow me on Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, and YouTube to keep up to date with all my shenanigans across the interwebs! I'm posting another video tonight, so stay tuned for that on YouTube!


1 comment:

  1. And onto your monthly favorites real fast! Since I have, like, almost 2 hours. 

    You are not lazy. <3

    Hahahaha, “booktube has taken over my life.” LOLS!

    Wow. Lorien’s black, Karl’s a woman, and I’m a man. Awesome.

    I *never* look like that when I read, omg…how do you even DO that?!

    I’m glad you enjoyed the DBZ movie! :D

    Homicidal nerds are the smex, lol.

    I don’t naturally respect anyone. Respect has to be earned. Like, people get certain rights obviously because they’re people, but I’m not going to give someone deferential treatment if I don’t know them or know anything about them. That was a funny conversation, tho.

    That is an awesome quote! And how cool that so many people retweeted it!
    Also cool? I spelled people right on the 2nd try. :D It is not peeeoplle.

    That is the best screenshot of you EVER I think…

    The headcannon of the Frozen/Little Mermaid/Tangled pin is accepted by me, the Queen of the Universe. Just saying.

