Friday, May 16, 2014

House of Hades by Rick Riordan Review (video)

Hey guys!

I know I just posted a blog yesterday, but Friday's one of the now two days I'm uploading videos on YouTube. And while Tuesdays is for most things, Fridays is almost always book reviews--minus monthly wrap ups and #AYearAThon weeks.

This week I posted the 1st video I ever filmed! Ray, LA Knight, was kind enough to edit this for me. It took forever, and she did a great job, so how could I not upload this? Besides, while I'm a little stiff on camera, and stutter a lot, I'm kinda proud of it. I dared to do this, and because of this video, I'm now a BookTuber. So yeah.

Please be nice and give this a thumbs up, and comment. Unless you haven't read it yet, and you're picky about spoilers. I'm not all that much (hence why I'm at this moment watching Ray's #AYearAThon Catch Up Wrap Up vid, which contains spoilers for two series I'm interested in reading).

So here it is! Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Awwww! I'm glad you liked what I did with your HoH vid. I wanted it to be nice. And I don't think you're stiff - just a little nervous. But when you're geeking out about Small Bob? SO CUTE!! You and the idea of Small Bob. :D

    You're watching my WRAP UP?!?! Did I read your comment on that? Must go look...
